Elements of Fitness – A Mother's Memoir

The Healthiest Alcoholic Choices for Weight Loss



1411439749001If you’re  reading this right now, you’re probably on a diet and wondering if there REALLY is a better choice when ordering a drink.

After all, you’re killing it in the gym all week, seeing results and you’re afraid a drink will be a setback.  But come Friday or whatever cheat day you look forward to you begin to look forward to your day off.

And wouldn’t it be nice when you’re with your friends watching football to have a beer?    Should you really restrict yourself completely from having any alcohol? The answer is NO. Alcohol is usually a social activity, that most people enjoy sharing with their friends. Enjoying a glass of alcohol with your friends can still be included in a balanced weight loss program, with the right choices.

Alcoholic beverages CAN spoil your diet more than junk food. One gram of alcohol contains 7 calories which in larger quantities can be more calories compared with other food sources. Nevertheless, if you don’t want to do a lot of damage to your diet, it is best that you only enjoy the following selection of low calorie alcoholic beverages, which can serve as an alternative to strong liquor mixes. The key to all of these alcoholic drinks is to choose one with a low alcohol content and avoid mixing it with sugar laden soda mixers.


Light Beer

Light beer is the beer of choice for dieters because it only has 100 calories which is quite less compared to other kinds of beer. Hence, if you’re planning to hang out with your friends to watch your favorite sport or movie, better grab alight beer instead of regular beer. Make sure to avoid using an oversized beer mug or consuming more than two bottles of light beer to save yourself from the misery of messing up your diet and redoing it all over again.



Wine is not only good for your heart but also for your weight. This delicious drink contains 100 calories or less and drinking a few glasses won’t put your weight loss goal at risk. To reduce the amount of calories and add a little fizz to your wine, you can mix a dash of wine to sparkling water.


Tonic and Vodka

What’s good about tonic and vodka is it can make you feel the punch of alcohol even with just a few drinks. This combination is below 100 calories too. So, opting for this drink will put you on a party mode soon without putting your diet in jeopardy.


Soda & Rum

Rum with soda is a party favorite! It’s delicious, and it has fewer calories too.  However, if you want to create a healthier and weight friendly drink, you can use diet soda instead of regular soda to reduce the sugar and calories.



If you want to enjoy the party without drinking any alcoholic beverages, you can still have some fun without sticking to water all throughout the night. Non-alcoholic beverages such as mocktails are very much available for party goers who want to keep track of their diet. Mocktails are zero-calorie beverage but taste like the real thing!


As with any other choices you make on your “cheat day” don’t overdo it.  If you drink too many of these they will have the same effect as any other sugar filled junk food.  Alcohol converts to sugar if not used, so as always, drink responsibly.  🙂

September 22, 2014 Posted by | Diet and Exercise, Discipline, Eating Clean, Eating Low Carb, Exercise, Nursing, P90X, P90X Recipes, P90X3, Phoenix AZ | , , , , , | Leave a comment